FCA Bartow Banquet 2025
Join us April 24th for our annual fundraising banquet!
This year's featured speaker is Willie Spears and it is sure to be a night to remember. The dinner line will open at 5:15 and the program begins at 6:00.
Table sponsorship options are listed below.
If you'd like to sponsor a table and donate the seats to local coaches and athletes, please register then email mcullifer@fcabartow.org.
Scroll down to register. We can't wait to see you there!
Thank you to all who joined for Fields of Faith 2024! It was such a great and memorable event. Worship was beautiful and the speakers all did a wonderful job of sharing powerful testimony and delivering the message of the Gospel. Thank you so much!! Lives were changed!
Huge shoutout to our student leadership for all their prep and planning. God is alive and working in Bartow!